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Meet Heather.

Heather got involved with Adventures when she went on the World Race. On her race she went to Vietnam where her heart broke for the children. After coming home she knew that Vietnam was where she needed to be, so she packed her bags and went. Here is a story from Heather as to why she is there.


"One of the absolute most important things for me is sharing love. Making sure that people who are in situations where they have been told in some way or another that they are not loved or unlovable know and are told that they are loved. 

I think one of my favorite things has been watching kids love other kids into acceptance. For example we had a little boy come to our shelter from the highlands- he didn't speak Vietnamese because he was from a minority group. He was obviously scared and felt like he didn't fit in. He would sit off in the corner by himself and would actively avoid contact with anyone other than the one other boy who was from the same minority group. Over weeks and months I kept seeing one boy pursuing him. He would ask him to play, he would try to join in with whatever the little boy was doing. He would try to sit next to him at circle time (prayer and worship every night). Even as this was happening I watched the little boy pull away. As time went on the older boy was persistent. He continued his pursuit and didn't be come frustrated when the small boy rejected him or avoided him. Slowly but surely we saw the smaller boy smiling more when he was engaged in activities with the older boy. Pretty soon he was growing more and more open to any invitation by the older boy and eventually anyone else. Now he is just like the other kids. He is fun and laughs and runs up to see who is at the door. All because he knew how much people loved him and wanted to spend time with him. And that all happened because the older boy knew how much he was loved and wanted to share that with other people.''




Would you ask the Lord is Vietnam is the place for you this summer? Would you take a leap of faith, get out of your comfort zone and see what the Lord can do in and through you this summer. There are children waiting for you to come show them what love is.


Want to learn more about going to Vietnam? Clik here!    


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